I like to think that an Avon Helper is someone who loves Avon but doesn't want the responsibility of running a business. Maybe this is someone who doesn't feel they can be their own boss but wants to be someone "in training wheels!" That may actually be a smart way to start! I do feel that it is something that you would have to do with a local Avon representative who lives in the area near where you live.
This local representative would provide you with brochures and you would go out into the big wide world and collect orders from your friends and acquaintences. Now I assume you could do this in two ways. One would be that you would collect the orders and the money and turn it into your Upline who is putting in the orders for you. You would write a receipt to the person from whom you were collecting the money and give them a date you will be returning the order.
Or maybe the Representative would put in your orders and then give you invoices to give to your customers in order to collect and then soon deliver the products to them.
Keep in mind that there are several aps that can be utilized in collecting money for your avon orders. There is Paypal, Cashap, Square, Venmo as well as many others. This makes the collection process pretty easy as you can take a picture of the invoice then forward it to your customer with your link for payment. Delivery is a snap!
For more details look below at the list for Become a helper and see what else may be involved. Maybe you would rather just take the leap yourself! Avon has a great free website for all their reps as well as online training to do on your time! www.signuptosell.today
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