How to service your customers on your online store

If you’re looking to grow your online sales through your Avon eStore then getting familiar with the tools and features your Avon eStore has to offer is a must. Knowing this will help you offer the best customer service possible so customers can complete their order and have a great shopping experience.
Avon University is a great place to go to learn the basics. You can find Avon U at the topbar on your
Set up an account as if you were a customer, opt-in for Avon emails so you can get the exact emails your customers get and go through the process of placing an order. Pay attention to the whole process from selecting your products, adding them to your shopping bag and submitting your order.
You’ll also want to get familiar with the emails Avon sends you regarding your Order and Shipping Confirmations. Doing so will help you know exactly what your customers are experiencing during and after the order process.
Avon eStore Tools and Tips
With that said, here are a few tips and tools your eStore has available. Some of these you may already be familiar with but for the newer Reps in our group you may find this helpful. ;-)

Back Order One Campaign
Just like our traditional orders, customers can back order a campaign back using Avon’s Shop By Product Number feature.
All they have to do is:
1) Select the Campaign
2) Enter the product
3) Enter the Quantity
4) Click the pink “Add To Bag” button.
This is a great way to compare prices so your customer can get the best price available. You can find the “Product #” link at the top right of every page.
Avon Search Tool
This may be obvious, but many of my own customers often overlook this simple but effective feature.
If you need to find a specific product you can enter the product number in the Avon Search box. You can also enter a general term if your customer is asking for suggestions like a face mask for instance. Just enter “face mask” in the search box and Avon will find all the masks available for that campaign. Once you have the results you can copy the link and send the search results page to your customer.
Avon Brochure
This may also be obvious but again a very effective feature and one of your most powerful eTools. Your customers can view your Avon Digital right from your eStore anytime, anywhere! I have a page on this site where I have the pdf version for those who like the more straighforward brochure.
It’s mobile friendly and sharing this link is a great way to reach out to your customers letting them know the new Avon brochure is out. I created a page link at which takes them to the brochure.